
EdPotential is a cloud based data analytics program, designed specifically for schools results analysis. EdPotential allows schools to:1.- Inquire into their school's assessment data,2.- analyse the data identify gaps and strengths, and then3.- act to target solutions to improve student achievement.The program, based on advanced algorithms and data analysis capability, enables schools to improve student outcomes by making more informed decisions, enhancing teaching practice, and saving time.EdPotential was founded out of a need from Macleans College, Auckland, New Zealand for a program capable of concisely analysing student results data, and producing a meaningful output of both overall and individual student achievement. Research supports the idea that analysing student data is one of the best ways to improve student achievement - but existing software is limited and manual methods are complex and time consuming (e.g manually entering and processing data in Excel).

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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