
RoadAmico, The Walking Classroom, is a proven educational method disrupts traditional learning styles and aims to provide an outstanding educational experience by making learning interactive, collaborative and experiential. Our platform combines a suite of web and mobile tools to create active learning environments and meet the needs of off-campus educators and learners. RoadAmico allows educators to develop innovative field based lessons and exclusively place-based activities so that students can step out of the classroom and enjoy unique experiences off campus, develop and complete assignments related to particular places, and belong with their environment everywhere in the world. RoadAmico answers to four Key Trends that New Media Consortium Report 2017 identifies as very likely to drive technology planning and decision making over the next five years:-Blended Learning Designs-Collaborative Learning-Redesigning Learning Spaces-Focus on Measuring Learning Roadamico's technology

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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